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Brookfield Community Primary School

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School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform and Personal Property


All children should wear our school uniform which is bright, comfortable to wear and easy to obtain. Only the sweatshirt, cardigan and option hoodie need to display the school logo. These can be purchased from:


Smart Schoolwear
54 Lancaster Road





39 Lancaster Way

St Johns Shopping Centre




The Headteacher reserves the right to contact parents to take their children home in order to comply with the school’s uniform policy outlined below.


Daily Uniform


PE Uniform

Teal school sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo)


White polo shirt (logo encouraged)


Grey or black trousers / shorts / skirt / pinafore dress


Lilac summer gingham dress


Black / grey socks or tights


Black leather school shoes (not trainers)

Teal school hoody (with logo)


White t-shirt (logo encouraged)


Black trainers


Plain black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings


Black / grey socks



Trainers are not allowed for daily use (PE day only) and children should wear suitable smart shoes. 


Lost Property

We currently have no storage for lost property in school and this can be come unsightly and a fire hazard. Staff will try to find the owner immediately rather than to collect lost items. We therefore, have no official lost-property box.


Please ensure all uniform is labelled clearly with your child’s name so it can be returned to them should it get misplaced.


Valuables and Jewellery


Jewellery is not necessary for school. Only stud earrings are permitted in school. Children must not wear other types of jewellery including necklaces, bracelets, bangles, anklets, friendship bands etc. Pupils may only wear a sensible watch but this must not contain a camera facility or any features that may disturb learning. Smart watches are not allowed. Earrings, of any type, must not be worn for PE days. 


Children should not bring valuable items or toys to school, as we cannot guarantee their safety.




If your child is experiencing any difficulties adhering to the school uniform policy, please contact the school office in the first instance and we will do our best to support you in resolving any issues. 


Please note that, should families refuse to comply with uniform expectations, we may have to take action. This could include, for example, your child missing out on PE/Sports activities if earrings are worn in term time.


When children attend school and are not wearing correct uniform, text messages will be sent home as a reminder to parents. 


Should the uniform policy not be followed and it be deemed necessary by the Headteacher, your child will be sent home to rectify the matter under a short-term authorised absence (Half day). Failure to comply after the short term absence has been imposed will result in further absences being recorded as unauthorised or, potentially, exclusion. As always, if you are experiencing an issue with regard to wearing the correct uniform, please contact the school office and we will work together to try and resolve any matter.

