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Brookfield Community Primary School

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Physical Education

An overview of the Brookfield P.E. curriculum.

Curriculum Area: Physical Education

Subject Leader: Miss Rachel Little  


Physical Education Intent Statement


  • Our main aim is that children leave Brookfield Community Primary School with a wide range of physical skills which will prepare them for the next stage of their educational journey. 
  • We hope that pupils will meet both the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum expectations in Physical Education, which will be taught by highly-qualified, enthusiastic staff who will support children to develop mastery of the subject.
  • All children will study Physical Education for at least 1 hour per week.
  • Opportunities will exist for children of all ages to experience learning beyond the classroom.  This will allow them to enrich their knowledge by, for example, a residential visit to an outdoor education centre where they will experience activities such climbbing, orienteering and watersports and develop skills such as teamwork, resilience and problem-solving.
  • Children will develop a deep understanding of the subjects they are studying. They will increasingly use their prior knowledge to solve problems.
  • In Physical Education, children will develop the following skills- Thinking (evaluating and improving, leadership and decision making) Physical (fitness and performance) and Feeling (fairplay and mindset).
  • Children will develop a real understanding and appreciation of the world learning from the best that has been developed and said.  For example: local, national and international athletes, sports coaches and sports therapists.
  • All children will be able to swim 25 metres by the end of KS2.




  • The curriculum hours in Physical Education are non-negotiable and will be followed by all staff in the school.  Fixed timetables will be set before the academic year and will be monitored.
  • The subject leader for Physical Education will meet the PE specialists and the senior leadership team on a regular basis to evaluate provision, in order to ensure that teaching and learning in Physical Education is of a high standard. 
  • Staff will receive professional development, based around their needs, in Physical Education by specialist providers.
  • A carefully designed, bespoke scheme of learning is implemented in Physical Education to ensure consistency and progress of all learners. 
  • High quality teaching responds to the needs of children.  Formative and summative assessment is continuous and informs subsequent teaching with teachers actively providing feedback in lessons in order to identify misconceptions early and to promote the highest level of physical fitness.  
  • High quality input from experts and educational resources complement the delivery of specialist learning admirably.  
  • Swimming lessons will be provided by qualified coaches. 
  • All children have the opportunities to take part in a range of competitive sports, including interschool competitions.
  • Children will have access to a variety of after-school clubs which are based around Physical Education, some of these will be funded through the Sports Premium.
  • Sporting achievements of both current and past pupils, parents, carers and school staff will be actively celebrated on our Physical Education Achievement Board; providing both encouragement and role-models. 




  • Children are happy learners within Physical Education.  They experience a wide range of learning challenges within PE and know appropriate responses to them.
  • Through Physical Education, children deepen their appreciation of their own health and well-being, as well as their own unique talents.
  • Visits within Physical Education have enriched the lives of the children and they are able to discuss how the experience impacted their knowledge and understanding.
  • Children of all abilities and backgrounds achieve well in Physical Education, which is reflected in outstanding progress that reveals a clear learning journey.  Children talk enthusiastically about their learning in Physical Education and are eager to further their learning in the next stages of their education.
  • Clear outcomes focus and guide all Physical Education development plans and drive improvement.
  • Fundamental British Values are evident in Physical Education and children understand how it can celebrate difference.
  • Children are physically active for sustained periods of time and recognise the importance of this, when being encouraged to lead healthy, active lives.
  • By the end of KS2, children will be able to swim competently and confidently over a range of at least 25 metres.  

