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Brookfield Community Primary School

Many hearts make a school

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Curriculum Design


Our curriculum at Brookfield Community Primary School meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. It aims to ensure that our children develop skills and talents that are transferable to the ever-changing world that awaits them when they leave primary school.


The curriculum is balanced and bespoke, offering progressive learning experiences to ensure that children learn identified knowledge and skills. It promotes the development of six key ‘learning powers’ which underpin the holistic development of each child.


As well as developing academic skills and knowledge, children will be taught to:

  • Have a go; developing confidence; risk-taking and independence
  • Keep improving; becoming reflective, responsible individuals
  • Enjoy learning; demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning whilst having fun
  • Use their imagination; showing creativity, being resourceful, and inspiring themselves and others  
  • Keep going; growing in resilience, perseverance, increasing personal motivation

These elements are complemented by a programme of memorable life experiences and the ‘Brookfield Pledge’ to support personal development and build cultural capital.


Teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in each class including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. This is done with support from the SENDCo. Additional information on this can be found in our Special Educational Needs Information Report and Equalities Policy.


Please visit individual subject pages to find out more about each one.



The Brookfield Pledge - Our promise of memorable and cultural experiences to the children of Brookfield Primary School

To find out more, please contact Miss McNee our Curriculum Lead. 


To find out more about how English is taught, please contact Miss Little. 


To find out more about how Maths is taught, please contact Mrs Rainbow.

