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Brookfield Community Primary School

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Children have weekly spellings which they will learn during the week in class before a weekly spelling quiz on a Friday morning.  For extra practice, there will be a copy of the weekly spellings sent home with each child. 


Children will also be set homework on weekly. This will be practising both skills being taught in class and reinforcing previous learning.



Each child will have a reading book which is appropriate for their reading level. Children are expected to read 3-4 times per week for at least ten minutes - their progress can be recorded in their reading diaries which must be signed by an adult each time they read.  Please support your child with their reading by asking them questions about the text.  Your child needs to bring their reading book and diary to school daily as they will be given opportunities throughout the week to read both this book and a variety of texts. 



It is essential that ALL children are fluent in their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. We will continue to practice these in school both as part of maths lessons and using Times Tables Rockstars. Please ensure your child engages regularly with TTRS to support their learning. 

Times Tables Rockstars




