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Brookfield Community Primary School

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Curriculum Area: Mathematics



Subject Leader: Mrs L Rainbow




‘Good mathematics is not about how many answers you know… It’s about how you behave when you don’t know’ – Anonymous

“A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.” (National Curriculum 2014)


At Brookfield, we encourage children to not only work fluently but to also be confident problem solvers. We encourage and promote multiple methods to solving problems, providing our pupils with self- confidence and resilience. 


Every child at Brookfield Community Primary School is given every opportunity to achieve their potential in mathematics.  We believe that all children have the ability to ‘master’ mathematical concepts, and we are guided by the Mastery Principles as set out by the NCETM. Teachers use White Rose Maths, NCETM PD Materials and NCETM Mastering Number to supplement their teaching. 


The Five Big Ideas underpin our maths lessons at Brookfield Community Primary School. Teaching is designed to enable a coherent learning progression through the curriculum, providing access for all pupils. Resources and pictorial models are carefully selected to expose mathematical structures; we use the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach which is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child's understanding of abstract topics. Something that we know is critical to all children developing their understanding of maths. Children at Brookfield engage in mathematical thinking in all maths lessons, communicating their ideas and using precise mathematical language when they reason logically and make connections.. Our children love to tell us how they found their answer! 




Mrs Rainbow is our Mathematics Subject Leader and is also a Primary Mastery Maths Specialist for Abacus North West Maths Hub. 

