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Brookfield Community Primary School

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Phonics and Spelling



Phonic knowledge is the understanding of letter/sound correspondence. In other words, it refers to the learner understanding which letter(s) make which sounds. The learner can then use that knowledge and phonological awareness to encode (spell) and decode (read) regular words.  At Brookfield this is achieved using the Read, Write Inc. programme. This begins in EYFS and is consolidated in Year 1 and beyond if needed.  The programme is a daily phonics session where the children are split into small groups and revise previously taught sounds, are introduced to new sounds and taught to read these sounds to form words and sentences.  

To support this the children are allocated phonically appropriate books in order to practice reading at the correct level of challenge for their age and ability.


For More information please see the link below:


A Parents Guide to Read Write Inc


You can also find useful videos on the following link to help you as a parent support your child's phonic learning at home.


How to Support My Child's Phonics Learning at Home


At the end of Year 1, all pupils take a Phonics Screening Test. This enables school to assess their learning and plan for any next steps the children might need.




Spelling at Brookfield is developed through:

  • The systematic teaching of phonics in KS1 using the Read Write Inc. programme and the recurrent teaching of spelling strategies and conventions at KS2 using the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme.
  • Developing an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar that are taught implicitly and explicitly from Year 1 through to Year 6 using the appendices in the new National Curriculum and the Assertive Mentoring spelling resources.  Regular dictionary and thesaurus work is built into lessons to support spelling.
  • Use of word banks and spell checks.
  • Regular opportunities to identify and use spellings within a context.




To view the spellings that your children should know by the end of their year group - please see individual Class Pages.


